So you’re thinking about taking the first step to getting healthier–changing the way you eat. You need to ask yourself a few questions before beginning a diet.

-WHY are you doing it?

-HOW strong is your desire to succeed?

-WHAT is you mental approach?

Then you need to think about some common misconceptions, how you will keep yourself accountable and accepting the truth. Sometimes the truth is a hard pill to swallow, but with the right motivation and discipline, YOU CAN SUCCEED.

WHY are you doing this?

When you make the decision to lose weight, the WHY is just as important as the HOW. Whether you’re doing it to get in shape for summer, or for medical reasons, the overriding factor is that it must be for you. It can’t be to get a doctor or a loved on off of your back, or any other reason. This isn’t something you can be pushed into doing because someone else wants you to do it. You must want it for YOU; plain and simple.

So HOW strong is your desire?

Everyone wants to be healthy and have a body they can be proud of. Who doesn’t, right? The fact of the matter is you have to want it BADLY. You have to say to yourself, “I’m doing this and I don’t care about the obstacles that will be in my way. NOTHING is stopping me.” Without this mindset, you will stumble at the first roadblock you come in contact with.

WHAT’S your mental approach going to be?

This is the final part of the first two steps. Don’t just jump right in. You have to give yourself a little time to wrap your mind around what you are trying to accomplish. Visualize your goal as often as you can. Try to psych yourself up and get excited as though you’ve already met your goal, because once you finally make it this far, it’s as good as yours anyway.

There are common misconceptions you should keep in mind.

The problem today is “fad” dieting and TV/ Media gimmicks. They promote an easy way out. “Drink this shake twice a day”, or “Order these pre-packed frozen meals and you’ll get results.” IT’S NOT THATS EASY!! People look at celebrity transformations after having a baby or preparing for a role, but the scope of how hard they worked for it is rarely explained in proper depth.

Hold yourself accountable. NO MATTER WHAT.

You need to treat this as if you’re quitting smoking or any addiction people struggle with. Tell those around you what you’re trying to accomplish. Make them understand why you want this and how badly you want to see this through. Having a good support system is paramount. This will be hard enough, so don’t go at it alone. Be sure to have a support team encouraging you every step of the way. And disregard any and all negativity that could potentially derail you. This way, you also will have a sense of not wanting to let your team down.

The TRUTH is where it’s at.

The truth is… this is going to be hard. Maybe even one of the most challenging things you will ever have to take on. Don’t look for shortcuts or an easy way out. Go into this with an “I can’t be stopped” attitude. The diet will be monotonous. The exercise will be arduous. And you will no doubt get hungry sometimes. None of that matters because your goal is more important than being comfortable. Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable.